Gods Five Stones

Shining Light on Darkness

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Symphony Ballroom, Salon B
J.W. Marriott, Nashville, TN

Friday, July 12, 2024
5:00 to 6:00 pm CT

Exposing the Secret Codes Written into the State Board of Election Voter Registration Rolls


We have discovered and confirmed that an algorithm has been written into the New York State voter registration database. The algorithm alters the State Board of Election voter identification numbers (IDs) according to a cryptographic scheme that allows the creation of false voter records that cannot easily be detected.

The cryptographic scheme creates and hides a secret Algorithm ID (AID) known only to the vote fraudsters within the New York State Board of Election. So, when a preferred candidate is losing in the vote count, the Board of Elections can pause the count. The fraudsters next determine how many false votes need to request mail-in Ballots for the preferred candidate to win. Because the mail-in votes are requested by an apparently legitimate voter ID, and a mail-in ballot is printed and voted with that ID, the “ghost ballot” is certifiable.

We have discovered similar fraudulent algorithms in the board of election voter registration rolls of thirteen states. We believe our findings will give additional weight to the many important voter fraud investigations already underway.

The breakout session will give a simple, common-sense explanation of how adding an algorithm to a voter registration roll permits election fraud.

We will present an action plan that we believe will force courts to hear the case. In the thirteen states where algorithms have been detected, we have lawyers and cryptography experts who can work with CANDIDATES AND VOTERS TO FILE LAW SUITS challenging the integrity of their state voter registration rolls before the voting begins.

We are rapidly becoming operational. Please join us in making happen what we believe is the provable Achilles Heal of the Democrat’s plan to steal the 2024 presidential election.

If you want to save the USA from Satan, this may be the last, best line of attack to prevent a repeat of the 2020 presidential election steal.

Karladine Graves, M.D.
Jerome R. Corsi, Ph.D.
God’s Five Stones, 501(c)3

Capstone Legacy Foundation
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