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The Final Battle Is Underway


Ohio Public Integrity Division begins an investigation into algorithms placed
in the Ohio State Board of Elections voter registration file. 


And he [David} took his staff in his hand, and chose him five smooth stones out of the brook, and put them in a shepherd’s bag which he had, even in a script; and his sling was in his hand: and he drew near to the Philistine [Goliath].

  – 1 Samuel 17:40

When David approached Goliath, David faced what seemed overwhelming odds. Goliath was a giant; David was a young man. Goliath was a warrior; David was a shepherd. But David had an advantage that Goliath did not have. David intended to do God’s will. So, in selecting the stones for his sling, God directed David to pick the exact five smooth stones from the brook that God had blessed to win the day.

So too, we face tremendous odds opposing the atheistic globalists who scheme today to deny us the freedoms endowed to us by the Creator. Praying to do God’s will on Earth, we aim to win with the resources God provides, trusting God will grace us with success.

Today, we face an epic 2024 presidential election. Former President Trump has survived an assassination attempt only because the hand of God was on his shoulder.

The New World Order depopulation agenda sees no value to human life, willfully murdering in the womb the most vulnerable lives that only God can bestow.

We have discovered and confirmed that an algorithm has been written into the New York State voter registration database. The algorithm alters the State Board of Election voter identification numbers (IDs) according to a cryptographic scheme that allows the creation of false voter records that cannot easily be detected.

The cryptographic scheme creates and hides a secret Algorithm ID (AID) known only to the vote fraudsters within the New York State Board of Election. So, when a preferred candidate is losing in the vote count, the Board of Elections can pause the count. The fraudsters next determine how many false votes need to request mail-in Ballots for the preferred candidate to win. Because the mail-in votes are requested by an apparently legitimate voter ID, and a mail-in ballot is printed and voted with that ID, the “ghost ballot” is certifiable.

We have discovered similar fraudulent algorithms in the board of election voter registration rolls of thirteen states. We believe our findings will give additional weight to the many important voter fraud investigations already underway.

We are reaching out to those fighting for voter integrity across the land. We have a multi-prone (five-stone) strategy designed to demand inspection of all State Board of Elections Voter Registration Rolls to detect if codes have been embedded within the voter registration records to steal elections for globalist candidates.


We cannot do this alone, but our very freedoms depend on us winning this battle, as David defeated Goliath. If you want to save the USA from Satan, this may be the last, best line of attack to prevent a repeat of the 2020 presidential election steal.

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